California Hunters! Get Back in the Field!
More Game, No Over-Crowding, Improved Land Management
Are you interested in hunting deer, pigs and waterfowl on private land in California? We screen potential members for one of the oldest and largest Hunting Clubs in California. Over 35 years and nearly 150,000 acres under lease! Tell us a little about yourself and fill out the form below and a nearby Club Member will contact you and answer any questions you may have. We will send you the latest CDFG Pig and Deer Harvest Reports!

According to the 2020-21 State of California Department of Fish and Wildlife Wild Pig Take Report, 90.4% of Pig Tags reported indicated they hunted on PRIVATE LAND! That is a 7% increase since 2016. Don't just "BUY" one Hunt... Get Year-Round Access to over 50 Member's Only Hunting & Fishing Properties in California. Check out our sister-site
CHL does not sell, trade or giveaway your information. It is used strictly as a pre-screening tool for one, private hunting and fishing club.