Private lands hunting and fishing

Quality Outdoor Recreation on Private Land in California

Club members enjoy hunting pigs, deer and waterfowl on private land in California - but also an improved overall outdoor experience.  Less crowds, responsible people and more game and fish!  There are quality, affordable private land hunting and fishing options available in California. Contact us for more information.

public land southern california

Safe and Secure Hunting and Fishing Opportunity

When you apply for Club membership, you are interviewed, screened and undergo a background check - If you are accepted, you have the knowledge that each member you encounter on a Club property is a safe and responsible user - just like you!

California Deer Hunting Private Land

Access to Affordable Hunting and Fishing on Private Land!

Quality and affordable hunting for pigs, deer and waterfowl on private land in California can be tough to come by and public land hunting quality continues to decline - Club properties are managed not just for the use of the Members - but for the game they pursue.  The Club and landowners closely manage each property to maximize opportunity to harvest your game and fish.

I want to hunt in California!

There is Quality Hunting and Fishing Opportunity for you and your Family in California!

For well over 30 years - the Club has been providing safe, quality outdoor experiences at an affordable and very reasonable fee.  If you are tired of the poor hunting, overcrowding and often times, unsafe conditions - we can help!

Contact Us!

Take a moment and please fill out our short contact form and we will send you the latest pig and deer harvest reports from CDFG and put you in touch with a Club member near you.  No obligation - just an opportunity for you to find out more about the Club.